Monday, February 23, 2009


Trafalga. What the flip is a "trafalga"?

In a game of Balderdash, you might guess that a "trafalga" is an eccentric poet, like e. e. cummings, or maybe an exotic skin condition transmitted only by orange tucans, or maybe a fashionable toga worn in Pompeii, or maybe the most up-and-coming family fun center in the state of Utah...

If you guessed the last one, you're the champion-dictionary-reading-bluffer! Trafalga Fun Center has been the leading source of entertainment in the Orem/Provo area for the last thirty years, the site of many first dates, family outings, and winning holes of mini golf!

What does the word "trafalga" really mean? No one quite knows, (not even me, the Voice)but rumor has it that on the next round of Balderdash, pick "translated as 'castle in the clouds' from Romanian" to maybe win again...

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